Monday, November 14, 2016

Characteristics of a Sexually Confident Woman -

I read an article on Huffington Post about, "14 Characteristics of a Sexually Confident Woman," and I was disappointed - mostly because it had to do with sex, not confidence in our sexuality. In my humble opinion if a woman's sexually confident, she are so because of the points below:

1. A sexually confident woman walks tall, head held high.

2. A sexually confident woman does not apologize for, or shame, her physical characteristics.

3. A sexually confident woman uses her voice calmly, clearly, rationally, thinking with her intellect and her emotions.

4. A sexually confident woman does not jump on the bandwagon with every "hot topic" or topic of the day. She thinks for herself, and shares her thoughts confidently.

5. A sexually confident woman knows how to be appropriate in all companies. She opens the door when she wants, yet will allow a man the same opportunity - a woman is not surrendering to stereotypes but is not ashamed to share.

6. A sexually confident woman does not talk poorly about other women. She has no time for "catty" talk.

7. A sexually confident woman owns her story and lets others own theirs.

8. A sexually confident woman does not depend on anyone, or any article, to affirm her sexuality.

9. A sexually confident woman is kind to animals, children, elderly, and herself.

10. A sexually confident woman is comfortable in the kitchen, the garden, the tool shop, and the bedroom. And if she isn't, she asks for guidance, and listens.

11. A sexually confident woman is comfortable with a man in the kitchen, the garden, the tool shop, and the bedroom. And if he isn't, she guides and listens.

12. A sexually confident is poised, carries herself well, and doesn't rely on a loud laugh or bold makeup to get attention.

13. A sexually confident woman talks about ideas as well as shoes.

14. A sexually confident woman does not rely on the stereotypes of the moment to define her sexuality.

15. A sexually confident woman takes care of her health by eating right, exercising, meditating, and wearing clothes that fit.

There you go - my list.

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