Thursday, January 30, 2020

Musings on my 61st -

Wandering today -

I have all I need; I don't want for much.

Birthdays - a good to way to count my blessings and to own my years.

I thought I'd let go of some things at 30; I carried them at 40; still carried them at 50 and even at 60! Time to drop them - and that means not putting them at my feet, but to put down, let go, and move forward without them.

If it doesn't make you happy, and life is about happiness and joy, then why in the sam-hell are you doing it?

Something to be said about girl-friends, particularly those you've grown up with - either from childhood or becoming cynical and then hopeful adults.

Siblings - better the older they get!

Some stuff bugs the shit out of me, other things just aren't worth my time - and neither makes any practical sense.

Age - big deal, but not really; I'm 61, so what?

I've always been an "I take care of myself" kinda gal. In my adult years I often did this with spite. Now I'm finding that it's not a bad thing that I've taken care of myself! I know how! I know what I want, how to provide for it. Good one for me.

I'm a great listener, a patient listener, and waiting really is one of my better character traits. Who woulda thunk!

It doesn't take much to be happy - a good book, dark chocolate, Diet Pepsi, something salty, a warm sunny space, a little folk music in the background . . .

Option B is often better than Option A. Same thing for Plan B.

I'm so much better at being me than being someone else!

Planning now for my next 10 years - even a senior citizen can have Goals!

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