Saturday, February 15, 2020

Visiting with my Husband -

Scott woke early this morning, having had a bad dream where folks were telling him he wasn't a team player. And he could not go back to sleep, and he worked his frustrations out by doing the laundry, cleaning the basement, reading, then attempting to go back to sleep.

I'm 61, he turns 71 this year; we've been married nearly 16 years. Some days it feels like we're just young'uns dating, other days we've been married all of our lives. And we're still learning about ourselves and each other.

In the past few days we've had plenty of conversations about self-discovery. It's so incredible that we are constantly defining and refining - and I'm so grateful to be able to voice this, be listened to, appreciated, understood (or at least accepted), and able to change and make changes in a safe environment.

We laugh together, raise our voices together, work together, and plan vacations together. Our lives are really about our journeys, and we are both so grateful for where we are . . . today.

And this - 

I read these upon occasion, and I swear, they are so true! 

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