Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Sinus Surgery - Again -

 I've had sinus infections for most of my adult life, and prior to that I blamed it all on allergies. My first memory of a really bad infection was as a newly-wed with an infection that would not go away. It was fall, and so bad, that my in-law's volunteered to pay for an x-ray and treatment. 

Over the years I've blamed the infections, particularly because they hit either in September or January, on students - public school, college, or even my students as I taught for so many years. My sinuses began aching about the time all other students began getting the sniffles - I figured they were worn down, sharing germs, getting used to the environment, and I was the recipient of their "not staying home when sick" gifts. 

Sadly, over the years my infections have continually gotten worse and lasted longer. They vary from sneezes, to blowing, to gagging, to coughing and coughing and coughing, to crazy headaches. I've tried all types of antibiotics, natural remedies, even chiropractic manipulation to get rid of these. Nothing has helped. 

Last year I finally reached out to an ENT, Kirt Beus, for his perspective. I've seen an ENT before, but really hadn't had much different info from my regular doc. Beus, however, was aggressive - from an in-office CT scan showing highly inflamed, swollen, and damaged sinuses, and offering every non-surgical remedy available. 

And when they didn't work, he suggested balloon sinuplasty, not as invasive as full-blown surgery. In-office, shorter recovery time, and a 90% success rate. 

Sadly, the surgery worked, but the surgery was painful (only local anesthesia), and recovery was horrid, thanks to steroids, which I now know make me go crazy - literally. 

And I've been fine, great even, until Sept. 5. And boy, I was slammed, and I haven't been able to get all the way back up. I can talk over-the-counter meds, best cough syrups/remedies, cough drops, hot or cold humidity, antobiotics, and the benefits (ha) of sleeping on 2 pillows for 2 months! 

I'm tired of snot! Particularly post-nasal drip. Not my favorite!! 

So back to Dr. Beus I went, and now, 4 weeks later, I am scheduled for sinus surgery - via scope, for this Friday, November 13 (thankfully, Fri. 13's are my lucky days). 

This is a 2 hour surgery, with a lengthy recovery time (2-4 weeks), and I've heard, pain on pain on pain. 

Thankfully, working from home in the days of CoVid are possible; I'm not going anywhere; we're not doing anything for Thanksgiving, and with Gov Herbert's mandate, our social distancing begins tonight and ends on Nov. 23 with my 10 day doctor's appt. to remove packing and . . . . 

I'm a little/quite concerned; I'm not happy, nor am I extraordinarily healthy after having my health compromised for so long. Yet I'm hopeful. 

And away I go - to take my 3rd CoVid test since Sept. 7. Yuck yuck yuck. 

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