Sunday, August 28, 2022

Writing Prompt - Dread -

 The 2nd writing prompt is this: What is something you dread doing, yet need to get taken care of in a timely manner? 

Well, it's like this - I need to recertify every five years as a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain. I'm board certified through two organizations, and the more robust one requires this. And - it's an exam, 100 questions, multiple choice, T/F. 

I hate taking tests. During my first year in college at Utah Valley University, I took an Ecology/Earth Science course. I loved the material, the professor was odd but passionate, yet his tests were terrible. And I failed them, every single time. The one question I remember arguing with him about had something to do with a frog sitting on a log, sitting near a log, sitting by a log. What the crap? And I stood up in class and told him I was not taking class in how to take his tests. And the following semester, taking a Chemistry class, another professor did similarly, as did I, yet this time I walked right out of his class, with applause from the other students. 

What a bunch of crap to intimidate or separate students not on their knowledge, but on their ability to take and pass an exam. 

And I vowed that I would never take another multiple choice, T/F exam. And when I became a professor I vowed I would never do the same to my students, and more - I would never require them to take a test in the testing center. 

I've made it all these years, and now, I have to do this. I have over 1000 pages of material to study, I have a letter from my doctor stating that I have test-taking anxiety and may require more than the 2 hours allotted, and I need to have this exam finished by the first of December. 

This means setting aside time to study, to study the practice test, and to stress. I'm dreading it all. Very much. 

Here's to concurring that last bit of fear (falling is another, but that's another story). 

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