Monday, April 12, 2021

Butterfly Effect - If not for . . . (Nod to WCW and Red Wheelbarrow) -

 I found the 2008 movie, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," intriguing on various levels, yet the most interesting was the use of the Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect is the idea that small happenings, can have an affect on big events. Small changes at small increments can have big impact. It's called the Butterfly Effect because of the theory that thousands of butterflies flapping their wings can cause a tornado (in theory). 

In the case of Benjamin Button, the movie would often rewind, showing how an event was impacted based on events that did or could have happened. 

This is all based on "looking back," as opposed to real time. 

I'd like to suggest that this past year has been filled with Butterfly Effects, yet rather looking back, these have happened while living right in the middle of the event or experience - with my eyes wide open. 

December 25, 2019 - 

Planned for a year, given on Christmas - a trip to Hawaii - me, Jenna, and her two. Anticipation! 

January 31, 2020 - 

Birthday party at daughter's tying quilts for my patients. We discuss CoVid and China. My niece, who has been living in China, has Instagrammed about it quite a bit, about the quarantine'ing, the isolation, rearing 2 children in this, and the scares they're facing and the fears of the unknown. Tyler calls his friend/colleague who lives in China, and we get an update. He says it's bad, but they're taking precautions and feel like the precautions are working. 

February, 2020 - 

Ukrainian Airbnb guest, Ihor, staying for the month, asked if he could continue his stay with us, private rent. We said yes. He's a delight, quiet, clean, well-mannered. 

Planning this trip to Hawaii has turned from fun to a little worrisome. What do we need to be aware of for our flight, what precautions do we need to take while in Hawaii (particularly concerned about Asian tourists and the possibility they may be CoVid carriers). 
I buy wipes for plane seats and rental car, hand sanitizer, some Virus homeopathic throat spray, some zinc throat lozenges, vitamin C. 
We figure we won't be in large crowds, so only concerns are the Polynesian Cultural Center, and we plan our time there for a weekday. 

March 3, 2020 - 

After sanitizing our seats, we are off to Honolulu! And so looking forward to it. We did hear about a few folks in Washington, at a care center, who have CoVid, yet we're not particularly concerned, thinking it is isolated. 

March 4 - 

Tore my foot up while walking around Shark Cove. Do NOT wear flip-flops while walking on coral. After being floated across the cove, carried up the hill, ambulanced to the hospital, I am rinsed, x-rayed, casted, and ready for the rest of our vacation - which was absolutely fantastic. 

Visited many beaches, North Shore, Breakfast at Turtle Bay, PCC, Pearl Harbor, Aquarium. Loved our time together. 

March 11 - 

Flew home, on the flight from LA to SLC, sat next to a young man who worked for the Jazz. He said, "Things are going down today; I'd rather not be flying to SLC." Got into the car, radio said March Madness had been cancelled, 2 Jazz players were tested CoVid +. Called work to tell them I'd be late for my 9am meeting, was told not to come into work, but to check with Employee Health, since I'd been out of the country.

March 12 - 

My foot is in terrible shape. Visited a sports medicine colleague, who x-rayed - found a torn Liz-Franke joint between my big toe and other, torn ligaments, and a twisted knee. Put me in a boot and on crutches, made an appt. with an orthopedic surgeon for tomorrow.  Ordered an MRI. 

Went in to work. Oh the pain! 

March 13 - 

Orthopedic surgeon looked at it, said it was bad, but his hands were tied because "no non-essential surgeries" are being performed at hospitals because of CoVid fears. 

This also the day when we went on the 3 month social-distancing and isolation. Working from home is now my assignment, which will allow me to stay off my feet! 

Saw my chiropractor for some adjustments, cried to him about my feet, he reminded me of Dr. Craig Chappell. Quickly made an appt. with him. 

Now the dates are muddy, yet - 

Met Dr. Chappel. He can heal my foot, and my terrible plantar fascitis! Problem, most procedures aren't covered by insurance. Blessing - Ihor's rent will cover these expenses. First procedure on right Liz-Franke and plantar today. 

April-May - 

Because of CoVid, Ihor having to stay another month (borders closed to foreigners), the extra money this brings us, and working from home, my feet are beginning to heal. Miracles abound. 

There is so much peace and calm in our home, in our neighborhood, with Mom next door, and with our children, it's been beautiful. This is a perfect world for an introvert. 

Because of CoVid and not seeing children frequently, I decide we will do weekly or bi-weekly drive and drops. We heart-attack, deliver Easter goodies, Conference cinnamon rolls, lady bugs to release, indoor scavenger hunt, and creativity gets bigger and better, as do relationships. 

I love watching how our children and grandchildren adapt and adopt - homeschooling, jobs, friends, experiences. 

May - 

Because of the above, there are no AA meetings for Scott or temple to attend. Because it's spring, Scott has 2 yards to work in, and - thanks to Cliff's gift a year ago, Scott has a 1962 Grand Prix that needs rebuilding. Because no one can help Scott, this is something he'll be doing on his own. 

And because Scott can, he does, and all summer he diligently thinks through, and then applies what he's learning, to the car. Rather than his typical push push until he breaks, he is methodical in his approach and actions - amazing to watch. 

I am working from home, which makes recovering from foot procedures easier. It's been wonderful to work outside, in the kitchen, alongside Scott, in the calm. I have no qualms about this "time-off."

End of May - short excursion to Driggs, ID. Beautiful, quiet. Jackson Hole - quiet. Tetons, Idaho farmland - always exquisite. We revel in the calm. 

June - 

More goodness; more healing. More Ihor. 

July - 

Picnic on the 4th! A beautiful way to celebrate "independence" in a very USA way. 

Because of CoVid, because of Ihor's insane 3 day, 2 night, drive to and from Mt. Rushmore, we make a 4 night drive to Mt. Rushmore, for the heck of it, and because, road trip! Beautiful country, great drive, visiting Martin's Cove on Pioneer Day (ancestors from both sides made the Pioneer journey). 

June-November - 

Because of CoVid I get to work with CoVid caregivers at IMed. I create great relationships with these amazing people, learn of their needs, interact with them in ways impossible at any other time. "Connect with a Chaplain" phone line is created, and with the help of one other chaplain, and the support of many folks, a way to span the chaplain-less system is developed. More than 100 calls taken and people served through this phone line. 

Because of CoVid, and Ihor, Scott and I do not employ our trainer. We work out on our own every morning and enjoy putting to practice what we've learned over the years. 

Uncertainty and Stress - 

NO! There's a nearly spiritual element to seeing the calm in the middle of the storm. Even with Black Lives Matter, political upheaval, fear of contracting CoVid - what is real, what isn't, th toxicity that abounds, I'm thoroughly enjoying the limitations! Cooking for creativity, sitting in the sun, using food storage and goodies from the garden, peace resides. Sleep is better than ever, and I believe my happiness index has gone up. True introvert. 

August - 

Because of CoVid, Moab is quiet, Durango is quiet, and yet oh, so, hot! Seven nights with the Holm family is spectacular. 

And then Ihor leaves. We have a month reprieve and our own space before Zach arrives. 

And two dear friends, colleagues, because of CoVid, have short engagements and quick weddings, and I am able to arrange their wedding flowers. The simplicity and beauty of these weddings without the traditional stressors, is more than evident as I work with them daily, and I see their happiness rather than their stress. Amazing how we sort through traditions and rituals - what to keep, what to toss, what to modify. 

September - 

Kennedy's wedding - simpler and smaller. Although - Zion was crowded, hot, and I was so so so sick. Yet taking time off was not necessary! 

Because of CoVid, and even moreso, anxiety brought on by CoVid, BYU student Zach needs a place to live, where he can be calm, safe, and focused. He's ours for the school year. 

I will continue to add to this list, yet I feel a need to hit "Publish" and get this story out. So, today, I will do that, full-well knowing . . . 

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

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