Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome 2024 - New Year's Resolutions -

2024 - away we go - 

I've been saving thoughts that might make it into my "Resolutions" handbook, and while they are all inspirational, I think I'll be working on - 

1. Staying focused at work for 4 more months

2. Exercise 5x a week

3. Being intentional in all I do.

However - these thoughts will remain a part of my journey - 

We're all just walking each other home. 

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves. (Lauren Eden)

It's OK to lose your shit sometimes, because if you keep the shit, you end up full of shit. Then you explode and there'll be shit everywhere. It'll be a shit storm, and nobody wants that. 

Daughter, spend your life Loving. Not seeking Love. Ocean need not seek water. (Dr. Jaiya John)

Love is everywhere; Enough for everyone. If we but offer and receive. 

Seriously considering filling my pockets with glitter so when someone near me says something really stupid or rude, I'll just reach into my pocket, with a dead expression, and release the glitter into the sky above their head and watch it shower over them like a baptism of common sense. 

Yet just in case I need reassurance that I'm on the right track - 

For the introvert in me, motivation as I prepare for retirement the first part of May: 

I don't want a career, I want to wear a fancy robe covered in stars and dispense confusing and ambiguous advice to passing travelers from a large stone cottage on the edge of the woods where I live with a parliament of owls.

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