Thursday, May 9, 2024

Having it All - Retirement -

As a kid I fantasized about fame. As a younger adult, I fantasized about wealth. Now I fantasize about a life of ease. I want a life where my worth is not tied to my productivity. I get the rest my body needs, and I don't have to sacrifice time with loved ones to survive. (Michell C. Clark)

I was taught, "You can have it all, but you can't have it all at once." And so I've gathered experiences - rearing an amazing family, gaining an education, marriages, living outside of Utah, research, decorating homes, volunteering (and helping build several organizations), teaching at UVU, cancer, chaplaining at a treatment center for a short time, being a hospital chaplain, having my counseling practice, traveling; gathering is the best way I can explain what my many many years of life has been. And of course, with all of this has come so many opportunities to interact with so many amazingly diverse people (who would have thought that even this Utah County bubble is rich with diversity?). 

And I am very happy with what I have and what I sacrificed to get here. In fact - so happy that this past week I mentioned to a friend, "I think I have it all!" With an element of my own surprise as I said this. Although not one to look back, reviewing my "life inventory" has been important as I've turned 65, signed up for Medicare, checked at Social Security options, and put my hand and mind on "what's next."

I've always been very intentional in my actions, and I want to continue to do so. In fact, so deliberate, that even in choosing a retirement date I looked at seasons, benefits, paychecks, eligibility, and of course, plane tickets to the next adventure. 

Hence - retirement on May 3, retirement/anniversary/birthdays vacation beginning shortly after, coming home to new and next. 

As always and forever, "Looking Forward."  

I am beyond blessed - 

I hope 

when you come home to yourself

there are flowers lining the front porch

that were left from all the women

you were before. 

(author unknown)

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