Saturday, October 29, 2016

Full Week -

Another one of those weeks - Every weekend I have high hopes to rest on the weekend, do some relaxing creating and reading and cooking, and be prepared for Monday and a calm rest of the week. And then life catches up to me, and I am off and running, not wanting to miss out, not wanting to say no, yet dreaming and begging for the strength to manage my commitments for the upcoming week.

We drove to Cedar City today, and back, and spent several hours in Cedar at a lovely, but long, funeral and surrounding services (6am - 8pm). While it was quite the family reunion, it was noisy and hectic and beautiful and tired. And an introvert needs her "un" time - so I walked outside, got into the car, tipped the seat back, and meditated for about 20 minutes in the warm autumn sun. A good way to partially recharge my batteries.

Life is good, life is honestly - busy, and while I really do wish for some simple times, I'm grateful for my health and stamina and for a husband who insists on driving.

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