Monday, February 4, 2019

One Year Later - Annual Physical -

I hate these, but I do it, every single year, that annual physical - because, well, just in case. So today I went with a grateful heart, grateful to have health insurance that will cover this physical, grateful to have health to be insured, and grateful to not have any stressors or concerns on my list.

This past year I've exercised a minimum of 3 times a week, walked more than 10,000 steps a day, except Sundays, eaten healthy, except my daily Diet Pepsi, and had a great mental attitude, with a little help from Wellbutrin and Mindfulness.

And it showed - 4 pounds less than last year; blood pressure less; blood levels great, including a drop in LDL's and overall cholesterol, Vitamin D at its prime - without supplements; osteoporosis holding its own; mammogram clear; and a colonoscopy in the fall.

Concerns, she asked? Nope - but loving my Wellbutrin; my sleeping meds - same ones I've been taking for 15 years; no need for Ativan any more; keep me on the Fosomax and Thyroid; and leave me be!

For 60, she said, "You are in top shape; I'm proud of you, stay that way. Keep doing what you're doing."

For 60, I said, "I am the happiest, healthiest, settled'est, contented'est I've been since 45. I'll keep doing what I'm doing."

If I can do this, anyone can. Being healthy takes a lot of work; it's not something I take for granted; I work every day to be the best I can, and yes, I relax, and yes, I work hard, and yes, as my dear friend Marv says, "The proof is in the puffin'." (Not puddin', puffin'.)


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