Monday, January 1, 2018

It's MY Year -

I've been thinking a lot these past few years about age discrimination, particularly for women. Those of us who have chosen to rear a family - putting together odd-jobs as necessary (mostly to pay for school clothes, school dues, piano lessons, soccer fees, extracurricular activities), and then once our families are reared attempt to enter the workforce - outside of the home.

And we've often had to begin at the bottom of the ladder - temp jobs, minimum wage jobs, and compete with those 20+ years younger than us, explain why we're job hunting (I'm more than my child - and I've encouraged them to be independent, time for me to do so), and then listen to younger, and seemingly more apt, folks tell us how to do our jobs.

And it has sucked, and yet, just like changing diapers, cooking meals, cleaning house, scrapping and budgeting for extras, we've done it - listened to those with youth on their side be our boss, and then quietly gone about our jobs, as if everything depends on us proving ourselves.

Like I haven't already proven myself.

And after 14 years of proving my worth, my validity in the work world, showing up, doing beyond my best, listening, yes ma'am'ing, and more, THIS IS MY YEAR! And - this is your year too.

No more apologizing, more more justifying, no more cowering, worrying about whether or not I should speak up. I am good at what I do, damn good, and I have wisdom, work ethic, health, experience, AGE, gender, on my side.

This is not my first rodeo - and I have knowledge the younger generations don't - rotary and cell; black and white and Instagram; LP's and Spotify; pressure cooker, crock pot, and Instant Pot; stick shift and automatic; sex and romance and true love; adventure and experience; hustle and listen; luxury and moderation; gymin' and fit; too much and enough; taking care of you and taking care of me.

This is the year for anyone over . . .  (Ok, nearly 60 years old), women with lives full of experience to speak up, speak out, stand tall - and doing whatever they damn well desire, with as much gusto as they care to give.

Thank you -

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