Thursday, October 10, 2019

F Cancer #10 - Hair

#10 - Hair

My eyelashes are back!!! I am absolutely giddy about having eyelashes! I don't have eyebrows, but that is so inconsequential.

I didn't mind losing my hair to cancer. And growing it back over the years - watching it evolve, has been interesting. I learned where my cowlicks are, where my hair is naturally curly, and not, and watched my color change from salt and pepper to blonde, to its own shades of gray.

I've watched my body hair come in, learning that I hate hair in my nose, understanding the minimal growth in other areas, and not liking shaving my legs.

I've had my eyebrow line lightly tattooed (not cosmetic tattoo, yet a line), in the hopes that would do until they grew back - and I do have a few hairs, but not many.

And I've mourned never having decent eyelashes, ever again. Yet this week as I've been applying mascara, usually fruitlessly, but nonetheless a habit, I noticed I actually have some length and some thickness. They are not sickly frail, but healthy! I am very very happy.

Gotta celebrate the little things! Because they are the big things.

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